30 July 2007

Jack and Brad

Before Jack and Sam became “Jack” and “Sam,” I looked through books of names. I didn’t like names like “Clayton” or “Finnegan.” I’ve always favored single-syllable, traditional male names.

One of the finalists in my “list of names” was Brad. The boys’ dad didn’t like the name Brad, saying it with a sneer like “Braaa-aaad.” I never understood that. He preferred the name Sam. So Jack and Brad became Jack and Sam.

Fast forward 3+ years....

The other night the boys and I are shopping for school supplies at Target. A guy in the next aisle calls out for his son, “Brad?” “Brad?!”

Jack bursts out a hearty laugh and in his best ‘outside’ voice, yells: “BRAAA-AAAD!” “MOM, HIS NAME IS BRAAA-AAAD! Ahhaaa haaa haaa haaa haaa!”

Sam chimes in, “His name is BREAD!”

That sends Jack into hysterics – he is laughing even louder now AND begins to mimic the father.

“BREAD, BREAD, where are you BRE-EAD?” (I am mortified – quickly wheeling all of us away from Bread and his dad).

I tried to hush them, stifling my own laughter. “Sammy, you know your name was going to be Brad.”

“Sam’s BREAD!” Jack teases, tears of laughter coming down his eyes. He can barely control himself.

“I AM NOT BREAD!” Sam insists, wide eyed – furious. This tickles Jack to no end. Sam points an accusatory finger at his brother and sneers: “YOU’RE BRE-ADD.”

“Boys, stop it!” I hiss. They finally – FINALLY – calm down and stop laughing. Ahh, quiet. I can finish my shopping.

“Mom,” Sam says, quietly, “I peed.”

Calmly, I nod my head and think to myself, "Way to go Brad."

1 comment:

  1. I just laughed out loud!

    And tears are springing in my eyes.
