11 March 2011

Sam hates popcorn. I think.

Don't the best conversations happen at the dinner table? They do at our house. Some of the strangest ones, anyway.
Last night as I was pouring the milk, the boys were chatting. I don't know how they got on the subject, but it was something about going to the movies.
"I hate popcorn," Sam said. "It makes me sick."
"No," Jack piped up in response - as if Sam were asking a question rather than making a statement. He continued, "Maybe it's not the popcorn. Maybe it's all the, you know, romantics that makes you sick."
Now I was listening. "Romantics?" I asked, taking my seat.
"Yeah, you know in Rapunzel - all that romantics and stuff? It makes you sick."
(I assume he was referring to "Tangled" - the only possible 'romantic' movie they've seen - and they both liked it).
Sam, who had disengaged from the popcorn conversation as soon as his brother said, "No..." went about eating dinner until several minutes later when, completely out of the blue, he started singing a questionable lyric he learned from some older kid in the after-school program. 
My boys are growing up. And - at least for today - I like it about as much as Sam likes popcorn.