01 March 2011

Little Whipper-Snappers

At dinner last night Sam asked me if I was alive when Theodore Roosevelt was president (1901).
“Of course not - I’m not that old, buddy!”
He responded with, “How about Lincoln?” (1861)

Other recent “old mommy” questions/comments from the twinions:

“Did they have TV when you were little?” (Yes! We had TV). "Oh yea, but it was only black and white, right?"
“Were there cars when you were little?”
“You’re not old until you’re 50.” (I’ll be 50 in a few years, hon) Shrugs and says, matter-of-fact - “That’s really old.”

1 comment:

  1. I'm still full time employed and will work 'till I die but I just got a (totally unnecessary) Medicare Card. Ahhhhhhh!
