09 February 2009

When "Mean Girls" grow up

Ever heard of the movie "Mean Girls" - a comedic screenplay by Tina Fey, based on the bestselling book, "Queen Bees & Wannabes?" Here's an idea for Hollywood - a semi-sequal called "Mean Mamas." Stage it in private preschool and let the subtle snarky social slings, and one-upmanship arrows fly. Producers, no lie - there's a goldmine here.

It sounds like a joke, but the ugly truth is some Mean Girls grow into real life Mean Moms.
After experiencing a bit of unsettling behavior firsthand, I talked to my girlfriends whose kids are older than Jack & Sam. They confirmed it. Each one had been temporarily sidelined by a Mean Mama at one point in their child's school career. The unwitting victims? The kids.

What a shame. What a pointless waste of this precious time. Early childhood, early parenthood - it all goes by so very, very fast. Leave us out of it - my kids and I have happy memories to make.

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