MOM: Oh yeah? What do you like about being 6?
SAM: Everything. I love being 6. I love everything about it.
MOM: Wow! Like what?
SAM: I love playing, I love the pool, I love my friends, going outside, playing baseball, my room, my toys, my family, my cat, and my brother (rolls eyes). I love my books and my school and camp, and doing fun things and my mommy and my daddy and my family and going to Florida and doing fun things.
MOM: That's awesome, Sammy. I love everything about you!
SAM: G'night Mom.
MOM: Goodnight sweetheart. Love you.
Know what I love about being 40-something? Watching a pair of 6-year olds love being 6.
For me, it's being 18. I love everything about it so much that my maturety level is still, 18.....Kelly