As the reality of the loss set in, I sent a quick note to Lisa asking if she would resend a couple of Christmas pictures of the boys. I explained what happened and admitted I was sad. Cherished family photos from 2008 – lost.
Truth be told, I was anguished. While I was crying at my desk, Lisa was marshalling the troops on my behalf. Her goal: help me restore 2008 by getting some of those photos back.
She and Carly came over that weekend with a disk full of amazing pictures – including hilarious holiday videos of the boys I had never seen. From the giggles in the background, I’m pretty sure Rachel and Carly were the videographers! The videos were awesome, by the way. (Sam spinning like a ballerina?! Priceless). When I figure out how to host large video files here I’ll include a link.
Little did I know, the photo-palooza was just beginning…
After Lisa put out the word, digital copies of my most cherished photos came rolling in from nearly every corner of the great U.S. of A!
This week I received a photo disk from Kelly, Charlene and the kids in California. Mom sent digital files from the great Pacific Northwest. Jen in Florida mailed me a beautiful picture of she and mom in Poulsbo. Doug sent the boys home with a CD he created including preschool event pics from the past two years. Dad said he’ll email photos from his & Jean’s summer trip. Friends shared snapshots of the boys; and I found a few dozen stray images on my home PC.
To each of you - I extend my most sincere, heartfelt gratitude. Lisa – a special thank you for your kindness, generosity and sensitivity!! You all mean the world to the boys and me. We love you.
Here, for your viewing enjoyment, just a few of the many snaps. With much gratitude, Laura.
Aw, gee, Laura, you sure know how to make a person feel loved!
ReplyDelete~ Lisa