It’s movie night. Popcorn and juice bags all around. Somehow, Sam lost his Capri Sun straw in the laundry room near the trash can.
“Straw’s gone,” he declared, with a look of innocent expectation that I’ll wave a magic mommy wand and make a new one appear.
Try and find it, I say.
"But I’m too scared - it’s DARK in there!"
Take your brother. (I pause the DVD)
The two march over to the laundry room on a search and rescue mission.
"I think it’s in the cat box," Jack says. (Big help)
I holler: “It is NOT in the cat box!”
Jack laughs.
I hear Sam mumbling, rooting around – then success! As they head back victorious, Jack says to his brother and to me, " erupt (aka interrupt) my movie for this straw incident!"
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