08 December 2007

Bright Lights, Big Hats

Billed as "Whimsical Winter Wonderland,"
the preschool holiday program was
everything promised - and
much more.

Truly, there's almost nothing better/funnier/cuter than a sparkly stage full of three-year-olds in costume.

Admittedly biased, I felt my boys stole the show as two of the elves singing Santa Claus is Coming To Town then strutting off the stage to the sounds of Heigh Ho. (See picture at right. Apologies for erasing the other children's faces. I didn't want to post images without permission.)

Once everyone cleared the stage, Jack-elf ran back to center stage, raised his hands and shouted, "Happy Holidays Everybody!" As the show closer, he brought the house down. The lunchroom/theatre burst into applause, a flurry of camera flashes caught the moment.

Bravo boys, Bravo!


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  2. Well, my Portuguese is a little rusty, but agradece mas não agradece.
